Soul Bouquet


Not sure what to pick? Then leave it up to us!


Let the florists at Soul Flower choose on your behalf and create a beautiful bouquet using the season's best blooms and foliage. The style and colour palette will be completely left up to the florist to create you a one of a kind bouquet! Let us create a stunning masterpiece that embodies the artistry and elegance of our craft, perfect for any occasion.


Each of our Soul bunches will arrive to your door wrapped in white or brown paper and are finished with a matching ribbon!


Please note: Our florists work hard every day to bring you the best blooms, so colours, styles and blooms in your bunch will vary each day. Don’t worry though, each bunch will be made with lots of love and care!

If you have any special colour or flower requests, please email us with your order number and we'll do our best to accommodate your needs. 


Your message will be included on a complimentary message card


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